Tinnitus Retraining Therapy is a program that was developed in the 1990's by Dr Pawel Jastreboff. It incorporates tinnitus education, counseling, and sound therapy strategies. The program is designed to help tinnitus sufferers habituate to the tinnitus perception. This program has been shown to be effective in randomized controlled trials, though elements of the program have been criticized by some. The Alleviate program incorporates what we feel are the real strengths of this technique.
Mindfulness based interventions are like mental exercises that have been shown in clinical studies to actually rewire the brain in healthy ways. These techniques can be learned by anyone who is willing to practice. There are several randomized controlled trials documenting the effectiveness of mindfulness based interventions in improving the severity of tinnitus.
Sound Therapy refers to any strategy that uses a form of sound to reduce the burden of persistent tinnitus. There have been many different protocols of sound therapy evaluated in clinical studies and some randomized controlled trials have confirmed a benefit in reducing the severity of tinnitus. Based on our review of the research that has been published, we recommend certain Sound Therapy strategies in the Alleviate program.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is a form of counseling that helps people learn more about their thought processes and make healthy changes in their thinking. The underlying premise is that much of human suffering is based on the way we respond to our circumstances. Research suggests that changes in our responses to negative events can significantly reduce suffering. There are several randomized controlled trials documenting the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in reducing the burden of chronic tinnitus.
Lifestyle factors such as sleep, exercise, stress, and social connection have an incredible influence on human biology. Imbalance in these factors can play a significant role in tinnitus perpetuation and exacerbation. In the Alleviate program, we discuss actionable changes anyone can make in their lifestyle and behavior that can have profound effects on brain biology. The goal is to change our own biology in healthy ways so that tinnitus habituation can occur more easily.
The Alleviate program is divided into six self-directed sessions that are designed to be taken weekly. Each session contains an informative video (ranging from 30-80 minutes in duration). In between sessions, there are daily exercises to be performed that generally require less than 30 minutes of your time.
If you are not impressed with the content of our course, contact us within 30 days of your purchase and we will refund your entire enrollment fee.
In addition to quieting your tinnitus, many of the strategies outlined in this program have been shown in clinical studies to improve general health, happiness, and well-being
Guided by years of clinical experience and decades of research, we'll help you understand what causes tinnitus and how you can improve the severity of this symptom without pills, gadgets, or procedures
World-class expertise for a fraction of the cost of conventional tinnitus treatment
The healthy strategies taught in this program are supported by decades of clinical research.
This program was developed after Dr. Worden (our founder) evaluated and treated thousands of tinnitus sufferers
Unlike pills and gadgets, the strategies taught in this program are associated with almost no risk to you
Understand the basis of tinnitus and what is occurring within your body
Explore what medical evaluation is necessary for those suffering from tinnitus
Learn a series of strategies, supported by clinical research, to quiet the tinnitus that haunts you
Take control of your tinnitus recovery through education and empowerment
Our strategies are supported by years of clinical research
This program was developed by Dr. Brian Worden, a Stanford-trained Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist, who has treated thousands of patients suffering from tinnitus.
Our team has poured through hundreds of books and research papers to present to you what we feel are the best treatments available to improve bothersome tinnitus.
No medications. No gadgets. Our clinically-proven techniques harness the amazing power of neuroplasticity to rewire your brain in healthy ways
A portion of each enrollment fee goes to fund innovative tinnitus research so that even better treatments can be developed
The convenience of a self-directed online program that can fit into your busy schedule
100% Money Back Guarantee: If you are not impressed with the content of our course, contact us within 30 days of purchase and we will refund your enrollment fee.
"I have gone through a massive change in dealing with tinnitus. You and Alleviate were the ones that got me to start thinking differently. I know first hand it can work. I surely hesitated in those dark days. But slowly your program pulled me out. I am in charge now. The Alleviate program brought me back like a Phoenix. I cannot begin to express how grateful I am."